Tarot, Oracle, & Lenormand Card Reprints: What Are They?

A reprint of the famous Terra Volatile tarot deck purchased from Temu

What are Tarot Reprints? Today we broach a touchy subject: reprinted tarot, oracle, and Lenormand cards. First, let’s discuss what they are. Reprints are a nice way of saying counterfeit, or not from the original artist and publishing house. That means that, somehow, a manufacturer found a way to duplicate the art and reprint it […]

Exploring the Lenormand with a Collective Reading 4

Lenormand cards, star, whip, ship and oracle card

Please Note: This reading is timeless. Meaning, it does not matter how long after the reading has been published; when you read this is when it it could be effective in your life. Hello, Readers! This reading really fits in well with the current astrological chart. First, we begin with the Soul Truth Self-Awareness cards. […]

Exploring the Lenormand with a Collective Reading 3

Lenormand cards, garden, mouse, coffin, and oracle card

Please Note: This reading is timeless. Meaning, it does not matter how long after the reading has been published; when you read this is when it it could be effective in your life. Hello, Readers! We hope you are having an amazing week! This week’s adventures with the Lenormand brings with it another type of […]

Exploring the Lenormand with a Collective Reading 2

Lenormand cards, home, boat, birds with oracle card

Please Note: This reading is timeless. Meaning, it does not matter how long after the reading has been published; when you read this is when it it could be effective in your life. Hello Everyone and welcome back! This week, I am also pulling 3 Seeker’s Lenormand cards with a special new addition from the […]

Exploring Lenormand with a Collective Reading

Lenormand cards including ring, fox, key and oracle card

Please Note: This reading is timeless. Meaning, it does not matter how long after the reading has been published; when you read this is when it it could be effective in your life. When deciding what to write about this week, I got an intuitive nudge to do some form of collective reading, which I […]

Exploring the Lenormand

picture of Lenormand cards

Have you heard of Lenormand cards? Have you ever used a deck? Almost everyone knows about Tarot, affirmation, and oracle card decks. Some are also aware of, and even perform, divination with traditional playing cards. Today, we are going to take a brief look at the debated history of cartomancy, and more specifically, Lenormand cards. […]

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