Lenormand cards, garden, mouse, coffin, and oracle card

Exploring the Lenormand with a Collective Reading 3

Hello, Readers!

We hope you are having an amazing week! This week’s adventures with the Lenormand brings with it another type of cards, the Soul Truth Self-Awareness cards. We hope you find this reading useful. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

The Spread

“Burn it. Burn it all. The ugly lies, the pain, the shame, the criticism. The images that run through your head, the reminders of what you did wrong and the “proof” that you are not enough. Burn, baby, durn! Your soul is calling! It’s time for a rebirth. You are like the phoenix rising from the ashes, no longer attached to the past. You are free. Your wings are ready, use them.” Furthermore, the card gives an action to take, “Today’s Soul Action: Make the choice that you will no longer let the past define you. Pick up your pen. What will your next chapter look like?” Let’s take a look at what our Seeker’s Lenormand deck has to say about this. The cards I drew were:

Seeker’s Lenormand

  1. Garden, 20
  2. Mouse, 23
  3. Coffin, 8


  1. 1+2 = “corrupt society, a declining reputation”
    • **My addition from my Guides- corrupted environment & people within it**
  2. 2+3 = “ending is coming slowly, end of unhealthy situation”
    • ** My addition from my Guides- the light is on the way, the end is coming; prepare**
  3. 1+3 = “public mourning, leaving public sphere”
    • ** My addition from my Guides- take time to go into hermit mode, attend to your wounds, and shift your focus to other environments & people; those who lose you will mourn their loss

Closing Considerations

My Guides say that you have this incredible opportunity arising from the ashes, but only if you allow the past and/or negativity to burn out. You keep putting out fires you didn’t start while others set another fire right behind you. You must accept that it is a corrupted environment and situation and make the choice. Choose to let it and “them” burn. This will mark the beginning of the end, as mentioned in 2+3.

Endings almost always precede new beginnings, just as it does here. Accept the truth and honor it. The opportunity coming to you brings the new path forward that you have been longing for. It will take courage along with some shadow & healing work. Once you make this choice, it is time to follow it with some time in hermit mode. Use that time to attend to any wounds, shift your focus on your heart’s true desires. Let the past mourn you. You no longer need to mourn or long for what was. You are free as long as you allow yourself to set yourself free. As always, the choice is yours and there is always a choice.

“That’s not the beginning of the end
That’s the return to yourself
The return to innocence”

~Enigma, Return to Innocence

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this reading! Leave a comment, if you’d like. See you next time!

Please Note: The quoted Lenormand information comes from labyrinthos.co. The rest of the blog is, in part, channeled by me, Lindsey.

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