This serpentine heart is such a pretty piece. It is small, but mighty in its beauty. The little black inclusions speckle the bright green color for a uniquely lovely piece. This heart is approximately 1.25″ at the widest part and weighs about 14g. Don’t miss out on this lovely heart carving!
A Little About Serpentine
Did you know that serpentine isn’t actually a gemstone/mineral unto itself? It’s a subgroup that is a member of the kaolinite-serpentine group. The most common forms of serpentine are the gemstones lizardite, chrysotile and antigorite. Most of what is called serpentine on the common market are part of the subgroup mentioned or serpentinite. However, some might be a form of serpentinite. The definition of serpentinite from is (
“A rock composed predominantly of one or more serpentine group minerals, e.g., antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite, formed by serpentinization (hydration and metamorphic transformation) of rock consisting almost wholly of ferromagnesian silicate minerals, such as olivine and pyroxene (usually ultramafic igneous rocks). Accessory chlorite, talc, chromite-magnesiochromite, stichtite and magnetite may be present.”
The definition given for serpentine from (
“Serpentine is a subgroup of the Kaolinite-Serpentine Group, usually trioctahedral, with divalent cations dominating in octahedrally coordinated sites.
The most common species are all Mg-dominant: lizardite, chrysotile (both low-temperature phases) and antigorite (high-temperature phase). They are chemically similar to talc (Mg-poorer, with Mg:Si = 3:4).
Serpentine minerals are the major components of the rock serpentinite.
One of six “minerals” proposed to be essential for life emergence (Russell & Ponce, 2020).”
So, if you have accidentally purchased serpentinite under the name of serpentine, you can see that they are very closely related.
This serpentine heart is a WYSIWYG.
For those who are unfamiliar with WYSIWYG, it means: What You See Is What You Get. Pieces identified as WYSIWYGs are not a random pull of stones that are similar to the one(s) pictured. Instead, you receive the actual piece that is pictured.
Can’t get enough gemstone hearts? Check out this link for more.
Please Note:
- Sizes and weights are approximate. Dimension sizes can vary based on the way the rock is formed. We hand measure our pieces on the longest side. Please see the pictures in the listing.
- The colors may vary due to monitor and lighting differences.
- Please use your own judgment when allowing children to handle.
- Not suggested for use in animal habitats or fish tanks.
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