Auralite-23 Chips


Gemstone chips are a popular way to create and display your own gemstone décor in any living space. Many people also use them in DIY and handmade projects. What will you use your auralite-23 chips for?

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Auralite-23 chips are great for décor and DIYs. Auralite-23 is also known as red cap amethyst and the 23 is said to describe the number of minerals that can form as inclusions within the amethyst. These beautiful chips add a gorgeous pop of color where ever they are placed. They are perfect for DIYs, spell bottles, and décor. We have only one lot (shown in pictures). Get it before it’s gone!

Grain Size: 9mm+, pebbles grain size

One of our favorite suggestions for using auralite-23 chips in gemstone décor is to add them to a crystal or glass plate, bowl, vase, or other container. You can layer them or use them to surround figurines or other display pieces, too. With all of the colors and variation available in gemstone chips, there is almost always a complementary or accent color that will suit your personal style.

If you are on the lookout for the perfect crystal bowl to display your chips, look no further than this link.

These auralite-23 chips are WYSIWYGs.

For those who are unfamiliar with WYSIWYG, it means: What You See Is What You Get. Pieces identified as WYSIWYGs are not a random pull of stones that are similar to the one(s) pictured. Instead, you receive the actual piece that is pictured.

What is Auralite-23?

Also known as red cap amethyst, it is a trade name for an interesting type of amethyst crystal that is said to contain a variety of minerals, including titanite, cacoxenite, lepidocrocite, and others, totaling 23 different minerals. Its chemical composition is primarily silicon dioxide (amethyst quartz) with traces of other elements. Auralite-23 is believed to have formed over 1.2 billion years ago in the Canadian Shield region through a complex geological process involving metamorphism and the intrusion of various minerals into the host rock. This unique gemstone is exclusively mined in the Thunder Bay region of Ontario, Canada, making it highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts for its beauty.

However, this information is debated by geological scientists, as there is not much evidence of adequate testing that proves the claims regarding age and chemical composition. Further, you will not often find many of those occurring together naturally, let alone all in one place. It is likely that auralite-23 is some combination of iron-included amethyst, citrine, smoky quartz, and clear quartz in varied amounts. Streaks of yellow and reddish coloration are tell-tale signs of iron inclusion.

Citrine and amethyst and smoky quartz are all forms of quartz that form under very similar conditions. The difference between citrine and amethyst is the degree of heat applied during natural formation. If it’s too cool, you get amethyst. If it gets to a certain degree, citrine is formed. Smoky quartz is formed when irradiation happens naturally.

If you would like to learn more about amethyst, click here.

Amethyst Metaphysical Properties

  • Transmutes energies from lower to higher frequencies and prevents psychic attack by transmuting the energies into positive, loving energy
  • Balances the energies of mental, emotional, physical bodies as well as the physical with the spiritual
  • Clears the aura and transmutes dysfunctional energy
  • Great for contentment and peace as well as invigoration and strength
  • Assists with meditation and has been said to adorn the breastplate of the High Priest
  • Enhances fairness and flexibility as well as our ability to manage responsibilities
  • Help to bring prosperity to business affairs
  • Assists with assimilating new ideas
  • Encourages and supports sobriety and freedom from addictive personalities
  • Chakra Association: Crown, and some say, 3rd Eye
  • Astrological Association: Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
  • Numerical Vibration: 3

Chemical Composition:

  • Silicon Dioxide- SiO2

Citrine Metaphysical Properties:

  • Does not accumulate negative energy, but transmutes it
  • Merchant’s stone- assists with gaining and maintaining wealth
  • Balances yin/yang and aligns the chakras with the ethereal plane
  • Stimulates endurance and focus
  • Enhances intuition and communication with higher intelligences
  • Enhances inner light to bring out a happier disposition, even in the darkest areas of one’s life
  • Clarifies problems and assists with finding solutions
  • Positively affects business, education, and relationships
  • Clears the aura and dispels negative emotions
  • Stimulates and enhances hope and joy
  • Used for abundance and manifestation
  • It was said to be one of the stones in the breastplate of the High Priest
  • Chakra Association: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Root, Crown
  • Astrological Association: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra
  • Numerical Vibration: 6

Chemical Composition:

  • Silicon Dioxide- SiO2

Clear Quartz Metaphysical Properties:

  • Has piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties
  • Creates a balanced solid-state energy field
  • Amplifies energy of the body and thoughts and can assist in manifestation and the mental influence of matter
  • Can assist with communication with plants, minerals, animals and intelligence outside of the physical dimension
  • Can produce altered states and enhance psychic abilities
  • Used for clarity, calmness, patience, and perseverance
  • Used for restful sleep
  • If used in greed, will invite negativity into your life
  • Clears and activate energy centers of the body
  • Cleanses the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies
  • Heals negativity associated with perspectives and judgments
  • Used for healing, meditation, and spiritual development in many cultures worldwide
  • Ancient priests would use it to destroy black magic and High Priests would have it in their breastplates
  • Chakra Association: All, but especially, the Crown, 3rd Eye, Heart
  • Astrological Association: All
  • Numerical Vibration: 4

Chemical Composition:

  • Silicon Dioxide- SiO2

Golden Healer Quartz Metaphysical Properties:

  • Used for healing on all levels, also helps to find which methods and modalities are best suited to the situation
  • Assists with achieving and maintain contact with the spiritual realms

Limonite Quartz Metaphysical Properties:

  • Combines general clear quartz properties with these from Limonite itself:
    • Helps guide one’s life toward comfort and stability
    • Increases the drive to work with the many powers of the mind
    • Protects against negative thoughts, confusion, and psychic attack
    • Improves accuracy of intuitive works and stimulates channeling
  • Combines the energies of the intellect and the crown chakra so that they work together to bring intellectual understanding to that of the ethereal worlds

Hematite (AKA Hematoid or Harlequin) Quartz Metaphysical Properties:

  • Can be used to stimulate energy on all levels
  • Gives energy and vitality to the physical body
  • Stimulates the root, heart, and crown chakras
  • Fosters loving consciousness and enhances the healing qualities of the heart
  • Aligns the physical and ethereal nervous systems
  • Can help one to understand transitions and move between the physical and spiritual realms

Please Note:

  1. Sizes and weights are approximate. Dimension sizes can vary based on the way the rock is formed. We hand measure our pieces on the longest side. Please see the pictures in the listing.
  2. The colors may vary due to monitor and lighting differences.
  3. Please use your own judgment when allowing children to handle.
  4. Not suggested for use in animal habitats or fish tanks.


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